Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Today’s pattern stitch is called Whelk Pattern.  Once again, as a sampler, I knitted up a dishcloth (or face cloth).  This one is smaller than the others, measuring approx. 8.5” x 8.5.”
If you prefer a larger cloth simply add stitches in multiples of 4. For each set of 4 stitches you will increase the width by about 1 inch. You will then want to increase your repeats as well.  You will need to add approx. 6 rows for each additional inch in length. (I hope that makes sense. If you have any questions please comment or send me an email.)

Whelk Pattern Dishcloth
Size: approx. 8.5” x 8.5”

1 ball cotton yarn (2 – 2.5 oz)
Size 8 knitting needles
Stitch Markers

Note: Pattern is worked over a multiple of 4 + 3 stitches
Note: When slipping stitches do not pull the yarn tight when you work the next stitch; doing so will cause your work to “gather” or to “pucker.”
Note: Slip all stitches as if to purl.

K   knit                              P   purl                                     sl  st   slip stitch
wyib    with yarn in back (as when knitting)
wyif     with yarn in front  (as when purling)
pm  place marker

(close-up of stitch)

Cast on 35 stitches.
Row 1: K2 tog, K across to last 2 stitches; K2 tog. (33 sts)
Rows 2 – 3: Knit.

Begin pattern:
Row 1 (right side): K3, pm; K3, * sl 1 wyib, K3; rep from * to last 3 stitches; pm, K to end.
Row 2: K to marker; K3, * sl 1 wyif, K3; rep from * to marker; K to end.
Row 3: K to marker; K1, * sl 1 wyib, K3; rep from * to 2 stitches before marker, sl 1 wyib, K1;  K to end.
Row 4: K to marker; P1, sl 1 wyif, * P3, sl 1 wyif; rep from * to last stitch before marker, P1; K to end.
Repeat these 4 rows 11 times more. Then repeat row 1 once more dropping markers on the last row. 
(Please note that if you are adding rows to make the cloth larger you will need to end with a right side row.)

Rows 1 – 3: Knit.
Row 4: Bind off all stitches knitwise.

Weave in ends and you're done! 

Happy Knitting!

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