Tuesday, June 28, 2016



The stitch today is called Mock Wavy Cable Rib; again, just a simple pattern with a little twist to keep things interesting!

Mock Wavy Cable Rib multiple of 4 + 2
9” x 9”

1 ball 100% cotton yarn
Size 8 knitting needles
Stitch markers

K = knit                                                K2 tog = knit 2 together                                             
P = purl                                                Rep = repeat
PM = place marker

*Special Stitches
Cross 2 back: Knit into the back of the 2nd stitch on the needle; then knit the first stitch, slipping both stitches off the needle at the same time.

*Note:  The stitches within the stitch markers make up the pattern stitch.
Cast on 42 sts
K2 tog, K to last 2 sts; K2 tog. (40 sts)
Knit 3 row even.
Begin pattern:
Row 1 (right side): K3, PM; P2, * K2, P2; rep from * to last 3 sts; PM, K3
Row 2 and every even row: K3, K2, * P2, K2; rep from * to marker, K3
Row 3: K3, P2, * cross 2 back, P2; rep from * to marker, K3
Row 5: Rep row 1
Row 7: K3, P2, * K2 tog but do not slip st off needle, insert right-hand needle between those 2 sts and K first st again, slip both sts off left-hand needle tog, P2; rep from * to marker, K3
Row 8: Rep row 2

Repeat these 8 rows 4 times more; then rep rows 1-3 once more, dropping stitch markers on last row.
K 3 rows even.
Bind off in knit.  Work in loose ends.



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