Saturday, February 13, 2016

        I love handmade dishcloths! They last for a very long time, can be laundered over and over again, are absorbent and not only very portable but also fun to make…can’t lose!

        Below you will find my pattern for the ZIGZAG OPENWORK DISHCLOTH. It is a "sort of " mesh design.  I hope you enjoy making and using this dishcloth. Plan on making several, they make great gifts!  If you have any questions or find an error please send me an e-mail and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


2.5 oz Cotton med weight [4] yarn (I used Premier Home Cotton)
Size 8 knitting needles

Gauge is not important.
My dish cloth measures approx. 9" x 9."  If you want a smaller dishcloth you can use smaller needles or subtract stitches (even number) when casting on.  If you want a larger cloth, use larger needles or add (even number) stitches when casting on.
You may find it helpful to place a stitch marker when working row 5 after first 3 stitches on needle and before the last 3 stitches (right and left border). Transfer your markers as you come to them; remove them when working the last pattern repeat.
This can also be used as a facial cloth! 

 k   knit                                           rep   repeat                       yo   yarn over
 p   purl                                           tog   together

Cast on 47 stitches. (your cast on stitches should move easily on the needle - not too tight)
Row 1: K2tog, p1, * k1, p1; rep from * across row to last 2 sts. K2tog.
Rows 2 - 4: K1, * p1, k1; rep from * to end.
Begin pattern:
Row 5: K1, p1, k1 (border); k1, * k2tog; rep from * to last 3 stitches, k1, p1, k1.(border)
Row 6: K1, p1, k1; k1, * yo, k1; rep from * to last 3 stitches; k1, p1, k1.
Row 7: K1, p1, k1; * k2tog; rep from * to last 4 sts, k1; k1, p1, k1.
Row 8: Rep row 5.

Repeat rows 5-8 eleven times more (or to desired length).
Repeat rows 1-3 once; bind off in pattern.

Disclaimer: I realize there are literally hundreds of dishcloth patterns 'out there.'  To my knowledge this is not one of them. I worked this pattern up on a sleepless night with just a ball of yarn and a pair of knitting needles! You are free to sell any finished products from this pattern but please do not sell, transmit, or claim this pattern as your own.  I would appreciate a link back to me if you post your finished product on line. Thank you.

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