Friday, July 1, 2016


Today’s stitch is Feather Openwork.  As the name suggests, this pattern is somewhat of an open weave; making it a perfect choice for a dishcloth.  It would also make a lovely cardigan or afghan. As always, the stitches within the stitch markers make up the pattern. I knit 3 stitches on each side for the borders.

Feather Openwork multiple of 5 + 2
9.5” x 9.5”

1 ball 100% cotton yarn
Size 8 knitting needles
Stitch Markers

K = knit                                                K2 tog = knit 2 together                                             
P = purl                                                Rep = repeat
YO = yarn over                                    pm – place marker
sl 1 = slip 1                                           psso = pass slip stitch over

Cast on 45 sts
K2 tog, K to last 2 sts; K2 tog. (43 sts)
Knit 3 rows
Begin pattern:
Row 1 (right side): K3, pm; K1, * K2 tog, YO, K1, YO, sl 1, K1, psso; rep from * to last 4 sts, K1, pm, K3
Row 2: K3, purl across to marker, K3
Repeat these 2 rows 22 times more. Rep row 1 once more, dropping stitch markers on last row.
K 4 rows.

Bind off in knit.  Work in loose ends.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016



The stitch today is called Mock Wavy Cable Rib; again, just a simple pattern with a little twist to keep things interesting!

Mock Wavy Cable Rib multiple of 4 + 2
9” x 9”

1 ball 100% cotton yarn
Size 8 knitting needles
Stitch markers

K = knit                                                K2 tog = knit 2 together                                             
P = purl                                                Rep = repeat
PM = place marker

*Special Stitches
Cross 2 back: Knit into the back of the 2nd stitch on the needle; then knit the first stitch, slipping both stitches off the needle at the same time.

*Note:  The stitches within the stitch markers make up the pattern stitch.
Cast on 42 sts
K2 tog, K to last 2 sts; K2 tog. (40 sts)
Knit 3 row even.
Begin pattern:
Row 1 (right side): K3, PM; P2, * K2, P2; rep from * to last 3 sts; PM, K3
Row 2 and every even row: K3, K2, * P2, K2; rep from * to marker, K3
Row 3: K3, P2, * cross 2 back, P2; rep from * to marker, K3
Row 5: Rep row 1
Row 7: K3, P2, * K2 tog but do not slip st off needle, insert right-hand needle between those 2 sts and K first st again, slip both sts off left-hand needle tog, P2; rep from * to marker, K3
Row 8: Rep row 2

Repeat these 8 rows 4 times more; then rep rows 1-3 once more, dropping stitch markers on last row.
K 3 rows even.
Bind off in knit.  Work in loose ends.



Friday, June 24, 2016


Today’s stitch is the Slipped Rib 1.  I worked 1 row in knit for the top and bottom border. I also worked 1 stitch on each end of needle in rib to create the side borders. I have incorporated these stitches into the written pattern.  If you decide to use this stitch to create your own project, simply leave out the extra stitch on each end.

Slipped Rib 1 multiple of 2 + 1
9.5” x 9.5”

1 ball 100% cotton yarn
Size 8 knitting needles

K = knit                                                K2 tog = knit 2 together                                             
P = purl                                                Rep = repeat
Wyif = with yarn in front of work

Cast on 41 sts
K2 tog, K to last 2 sts; K2 tog. (39 sts)
Begin pattern:
Row 1 (right side): K2, * Sl 1 wyif, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2
Row 2: Purl
Repeat these 2 rows 32 times more. Rep row 1 once more.
K 1 row.
Bind off in knit.  Work in loose ends.



Tuesday, June 21, 2016



The stitch for today is called Contrary Fisherman’s Rib.  This has a very nice texture to it and will be very absorbent. The entire pattern is worked in knit; the texture/pattern comes from knitting in the stitch below on every other stitch.

CONTRARY FISHERMAN’S RIB multiple of 2 + 1
9.5” x 9.5”

1 ball 100% cotton yarn
Size 8 knitting needles
K = knit                                                K2 tog = knit 2 together                                             
Sl = slip                                                Rep = repeat

*Special Stitches
K 1 in stitch below: Insert the needle into the center of the stitch below the next stitch on the needle and knit in the usual way, slipping the stitch above it off the needle at the same time.
*Note:  The 2 knit stitches on each end of the needle form the side borders – they are not part of the Contrary Fisherman’s Rib pattern. You would ignore these sts if you decide to use this pattern stitch for a project of your own.

Cast on 33 sts.
K2 tog, K to last 2 sts; K2 tog. (31 sts)
Knit 1 row even.
Begin pattern:
Foundation Row: Knit across
Row 1 (right side): K2, Sl 1, * K1 in st below, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2
Row 2: K2, Sl 1, * K1, K1 in st below; rep from * to last 4 sts, K4
Row 3: Rep row 1
Row 4: Rep row 2
Row 5: Rep row 1
Row 6: K2, Sl 1, * K1 in st below, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts, K2
Row 7: Rep Row 2
Row 8: Rep row 6
Row 9: Rep row 2
Row 10: Rep row 6

Repeat rows 1 – 10 (do not work foundation row again) seven times more.
K 2 rows even.
Bind off in knit. Work in loose ends.



Friday, June 17, 2016

Today’s pattern is the Garter Stitch Twisted Rib.  This pattern has a very nice texture to it. The garter stitch is almost an open weave on this size needle and is ideal for this type of project.  The knit 2 on each end of row form the border and are not part of the Rib Stitch.

Garter Stitch Twisted Rib  multiple of 4
9”x 9”

Cotton Yarn (I used Lily Sugar n Cream)
Size 8 Knitting Needles
Stitch Markers

            K – Knit                                                P – Purl
            yf – yarn in front                                 yb – yarn in back
* Special Stitches:
            Cross 2 back knit into the back of the 2nd stitch on the needle; then knit the first stitch, slipping both stitches off the left-hand needle
            Cable 2 purl purl into the front of the 2nd stitch on the needle; then purl the first stitch, slipping both stitches off the needle together

Cast on 42 sts 

Row 1: K2 tog, K to last 2 sts, K2tog (40 sts)
Rows 2 & 3: Knit
Begin Pattern Stitch:
Row 1: (right side):  K3, * cross 2 back, k2; rep from * to last 5 sts; cross 2 back, k3
Row 2: K3, * yf, cross 2 purl, yb, K2; rep from * to last 5 sts; yf, cross 2 purl, yb, k3

Rep these 2 rows 21 times more, then repeat row 1 once more
Knit 3 rows even
Bind off in knit. Work in loose ends.
(Close-up of stitch)

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016



This pattern is actually two patterns in one.  I worked the Tight Braid Cable on a background of Reverse Stockinette Stitch.  On each side of the Tight Braid Cable I worked half of a Tight Braid Cable. I also worked the border into the pattern so if you decide to use this stitch for a project of your own you would disregard the first and last K2 on each end.  Very easy to work up and a little different from the other stitches so far.  I think you’ll have fun knitting this one.

Tight Braid Cable Dishcloth  worked over 10 stitches
8.5” x 8.5”

Cotton Yarn (I used Lily Sugar n Cream)
Size 8 Knitting Needles
Cable Needle

            K – Knit                                                P – Purl
* Special Stitches:
            Cable 4 front Slip the next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at front of work, knit the next 2 sts from the left-hand needle; then knit the 2 stitches from the cable needle
            Cable 4 back Slip the next 2 stitches onto a cable needle and hold at back of work, knit the next 2 sts from the left-hand needle; then knit the 2 stitches from the cable needle

Cast on 46 sts 

Row 1: K2 tog, K to last 2 sts, K2tog
Row 2: Knit
Begin Pattern Stitch:
Row 1: K5, P6, K6, P10, K6, P6, K5
Row 2 (right side row): K2; p3, k2, cable 4 front, P6, K2, (cable 4   front) twice, P6, K2, cable 4 front, P3, K2
Row 3: Rep Row 1
Row 4: K2, P3, cable 4 back, K2, P6, (cable 4 back) twice, P6, K2, cable 4 back, P3, K2

Rep these 4 rows 10 times more, then repeat rows 1-3 once more
Knit 2 rows even
Bind off in knit. Work in loose ends.

(close-up of cable st)

Happy Knitting!

Friday, June 10, 2016


This is the Snowdrop Lace pattern I used for the scarf and the cowl I introduced earlier in the year. I think this is a very pretty pattern and it works up nicely. I made two sizes in this stitch.  The first one I made came out a little (okay, actually quite a bit) larger than I usually like for a dishcloth so I made a second one just a little smaller.  I have included the pattern for both.

Snowdrop Lace Dishcloth   multiple of 8+5 sts
8” x 8” (10” x 10”)

Cotton Yarn (I used Lily Sugar n Cream)
Size 8 Knitting Needles
Stitch Markers

            K – Knit                                                P – Purl
            pm – place marker                              st(s) – stitch(es)
            YO – yarn over                                    rep – repeat
            tog – togghter                                     psso – pass slip stitch over
            sl – slip

*  slip stitches purlwise

Cast on 37 (45) sts

Row 1: K2 tog, K to last 2 sts, K2tog.    [35(43) sts]
Rows 2 & 3: Knit

Begin Pattern Stitch:
Row 1 (right side): K3, pm; K1, * YO, sl 1, K2tog, psso, YO, K5; rep from * to last 7 sts, YO, sl 1, K2tog, psso, YO, K1; pm, k3
Row 2 & every even row:  K to marker, purl to next marker, K to end
Row 3: Rep Row 1
Row 5: K to marker; K4, * YO, sl 1, K1, psso, K1, K2tog, YO, K3; rep from * to last st before marker, K1; K to end
Row 7: K to marker; K1, * YO, sl 1, K2tog, psso, YO, K1; rep from to marker; K to end
Row 8: Rep Row 2

Repeat these 8 rows 4(5) times more, then rep rows 1-3 once – dropping markers on last row
Bind off in knit. Work in loose ends.

(Close-up of stitch)

Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016



Today’s pattern is Herringbone Lace.  I created a border of 3 knit rows at the beginning and the end of the pattern and 2 knit stitches at each end of every row.
 The pattern is very basic and easy to work up.  I think it would be great worked up into a sweater.

Herringbone Rib Dishcloth
approx. size: 9.25” x 9.25”

Cotton Yarn (I used Lily Sugar ‘n Cream)
Size 8 Knitting Needles

K   knit                                                                   P   purl
st(s)   stitch(es)                                                    YO   yarn over
tog   together                                                        rep   repeat

Cast on 42 sts.
Row 1: K2 tog, K to last 2 stitches, K2 tog (40)
Rows 2 & 3: Knit

Begin Pattern:
Row 1(right side): K2 (border), K1, *P1, K1, YO, P2 tog, K1, P1, K1; rep from * to last 2 sts; K2 (border).
Row 2: K2, P1, *K2, YO, P2 tog, K2, P1; rep from * to last 2 sts; K2.
Rep these 2 rows for pattern 21 times more, then repeat row 1 once more.
Knit 3 rows.
Bind off in knit.
Weave in loose ends.

(close-up of pattern stitch)

Happy Knitting!

Friday, June 3, 2016



Today’s pattern is Flower Buds.  I’m not sure whether you can pick it up from the photo but the stitch resembles a flower on a stem; very pretty.  The pattern is worked over a multiple of 8 + 5 stitches so I made a little larger border than I usually do.  I actually like the way it turned out; I may use this border more often.  You can add an additional 8 sts to the pattern and make the border smaller if you’d like. Doing so will result in a larger cloth.  This one measures 8.5” x 8.5” which is perfect for me! The pattern works up rather quickly, is a great take-along project and this cloth coupled with a few more (or several of this one in different colors) would make a great birthday, Christmas or housewarming gift.  Just tuck them away in a small basket with some pretty soap (if you’re thinking face cloth) or perhaps some hand lotion (if you’re thinking dishcloth)! You could get a jump-start on your Christmas gift giving and make it a hand-made Christmas, Just a thought…

Flower Buds Dishcloth
8.5” x 8.5”

Cotton Yarn ( I used Lily Sugar ‘n Cream)
Size 8 Knitting Needles
Stitch Markers

K   knit                                                                   st(s)   stitch(es)
P   purl                                                                   tog   together
pm   place marker                                                YO   yarn over
rep   repeat                                                          

Cast on 41 sts.

Row 1: K2 tog, knit to last 2 sts, K2 tog.
Rows 2-6: Knit

Begin Pattern:
Row 1(right side): K5, pm; k3, * YO, K2, P3 tog, K2, YO, K1; rep from * to last 7 sts, K2; pm, K5.
Row 2: K5, purl to marker, K5.
Rows 3-6: Repeat rows 1 & 2 twice more.
Row 7: K5; K2, P2 tog, * K2, YO, K1, YO, K2, P3 tog; rep from * to last 9 sts before marker, K2, YO, K1, YO, K2, P2 tog, K2; K5.
Row 8: K5, purl to marker, K 5.
Rows 9-12: Repeat rows 7 & 8 twice more.
Repeat these 12 rows twice more then repeat rows 1-5 once more dropping markers on last row.

Rows 1-6: Knit
Bind off in knit.
Work in loose ends.

(close-up of pattern stitch)

Happy Knitting!

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Just one more, at least for a while… Who can resist this sweet little baby hat?  And yes, I did make one small change to the original pattern because I wanted a smaller hat. Also, below you will find my version of the pattern for the ears.  I’m sure it’s just me but I found the instructions posted with this pattern to be very difficult to understand. So, using the original pattern as inspiration I took it from there! Hopefully this will be easier for you if you decide to make this hat yourself. Or perhaps you will have better luck than I did with the one posted…whatever works.

Red Heart Super Saver yarn – Frosty Green
Size H Crochet Hook

Ears: (make 2)

Note: Join every round by working a sl st into the first st of the round.  Begin every round with a chain 1.
Note: My changes are in red.

Rnd 1: work 5 sc in magic ring (5 sc)
Rnd 2: sc in each st around (5 sc)
Rnd 3: 2 sc in first st, sc to end (6 sc)
Rnd 4: 2 sc in first st, sc in next st, * 2 sc in next st, sc in next st; repeat from * once (9 sc)
Rnd 5: sc in each st around (9 sc)
Rnd 6: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 2 sts, * 2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, rep from * once (12 sc)
Rnd 7: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc to end (14 sc)
Rnd 8-10: sc in each st around (14 sc)
Rnd 11: sc 2 tog twice, sc in next 3 sts, sc 2 tog twice, sc to end (10 sc)
Rnd 12: 2 sc in first 3 sts, sc in 2 sts, 2 sc in next 3 sts, sc to end (16 sc)
Rnd 13: sc in first 14 sts, 2 sc in last 2 sts (18 sc)
Rnd 14: 2 sc in first st, * sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, rep from * twice, sc to end (22 sc)
Rnd 15-18: sc in each st around (22 sc)
Rnd 19: * sc 2 tog twice, sc in next 7 sts; rep from * once (18 sc)
Rnd 20: * sc 2 tog twice, sc in next 5 sts; rep from * once (14 sc)
Rnd 21: *sc 2 tog, sc in next 4 sts; rep from * once (10 sc)
Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing ear to hat.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016


After making the little Yoda figure a couple of days ago I went in search of some more Yoda projects.  This little guy is so much fun to work with!  I found this lovey here - and set to work. photography needs work! :( 

Materials I used:

Red Heart Super Saver yarn
                 Frosty Green
                 Soft White
Size G & H hooks
Size 10mm safety eyes - black

Of course I made a few changes. (Sorry, I just can’t help myself!) I changed the size of the hook out of preference and the size of the eyes out of necessity.  For Yoda I used a size G hook and 10 mm eyes (closest size I could find). I also stitched a little smile on his face. I used the size H hook for the blanket but I added one extra row of green on the outside edge and instead of using a slip stitch in the ch 1 spaces I used a sc. 
I did not use the same pattern for the ears either.  I used the one I used for the amigirumi Yoda.  They are worked in the round and are sturdier; also smaller! If I make another one I will rework the ear pattern again to make them a little larger.

The granny square pattern for the blanket is not included. I just used the basic granny square; worked as follows:
With a size H hook chain 3.  Work 2 dc in the 3rd chain from the hook, * (ch2, 3dc), 3 x’s in same ch; ch1, sc in top of first ch3 to close. (Pull beginning yarn tightly to close the beginning chain the stitches were worked in)
Chain 3, 2dc in same space as closing, ch1, * [ (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next ch2 space, ch1] 3 x’s, 3dc in next space, ch1, sc in top of ch3 to join.
Continue as last round working (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in each ch2 space and 3dc in each ch1 space around, with a ch1 between each side 3dc group.  Work joining as in last round.

I worked the border as follows:

Sc in same sp as joining, * (work hdc, dc, hdc over next 3 stitches, work sc in next ch1 sp) across to corner. In the corner work (sc, hdc, dc, hdc, sc ) all in the ch2 sp. Repeat from * around ending last corner (sc, hdc, dc, hdc) in beginning ch2 space.  Join with a sl st in the beginning sc. 

I worked 8 rows green, 2 rows soft white, 2 rows green and then the border.


Monday, May 30, 2016



Today’s pattern is Tunnel Lace.  It is worked in a multiple of 3 + 2 sts.  I kept the border very simple on this one; one knit row at beginning and end of pattern and one knit stitch at the beginning and end of every row.
 The pattern gives the appearance of little tunnels running through it. I think it would be very pretty worked up into an afghan.

Tunnel Lace Dishcloth
approx. size: 10”x 10”

Cotton Yarn (I used Lily Sugar ‘n Cream)
Size 8 Knitting Needles

K   knit                                                                   P   purl
st(s)   stitch(es)                                                    YO   yarn over
tog   together                                                        rep   repeat

Note: Take care when purling 3 tog that you do not ‘drop’ the any of the 3 sts.

Cast on 42 sts.
Row 1: K2 tog, K to last 2 stitches, K2 tog (40)

Begin Pattern:
Row 1 (right side): K1, P2,  *YO, K1, P2; rep from *to last st, K1.
Row 2: K3, *P3, K2; rep from * to end; ending last repeat K3.
Row 3: K1, P2, *K3, P2; rep from * to last st; K1.
Row 4: K3, *P3 tog, K2; rep from * to end; ending last repeat K3.
Repeat these 4 rows eleven times more.
Knit 1 row.
Bind off in knit.
Weave in loose ends.

(close-up of pattern stitch)

Happy Knitting!
STAR WARS: YODA   (Crochet)

I purchased a Star Wars Crochet Kit when I was in Florida a month or so ago.  The kit comes with the patterns, a crochet hook, enough yarn to complete two projects (Yoda and a Storm Trooper), and a small pouch of fiber fill.  I’ve been anxious to try some of the patterns in it.  When one of my grandsons requested Yoda for his birthday I decided it was time to get serious about it and get busy! 

While I am happy as can be to have the kit I will say that I really wish the option to purchase just the patterns was available.  I say this for several reasons:     
  • The entire kit is packaged in a 10” x 10” box and the pattern book itself is only 5” x 7.”  Due to the size of the book and the binding that was used you are not really able to open the book and refer to the pattern as you go…because you can’t keep the book open!  That being said – I have used the first pattern in the book and the binding is already showing wear.  I suspect by the time I get to the last pattern the pages will no longer be bound. L
  • I paid for an F crochet hook that I do not need as I already have one (or two).  And as it was…I decided I prefer using a G hook for the pattern! (more on that in a bit)
  • The yarn that comes with the kit is not the best – I tossed it and used my own.
  • The “safety” eyes they include are anything but safe! L  The backs do not fit the posts (at least in my kit). They are too large and fall right off, so…I tossed those also and had to go in search of safety eyes that are actually safe and will stay in place.  Unfortunately, I was unable to find the size the pattern calls for in our area, so…I made do with what I could find.

       Back to the yarn…the yarn that comes with the kit is very fine. (If you complete the pattern with the yarn included you will end up with a 2.5” doll.)  I prefer to work with something a little heavier, so as I said, I tossed the yarn and used Red Heart Super Saver instead.  I was pleased with the results and am happy I made the change.  There was also the issue of never finding yarn even close to what came in the kit to complete the remaining patterns, so I would not be able to complete the set to match.

I made two Yoda’s so far. The first was for my grandson’s birthday party yesterday and of course I forgot to take pictures! So I made up another one today. The first one I made using a size F hook and it was decent but still only measured a little over 3 inches. I used a size G hook on the one I made today; it measures almost 4.5 inches.  I’ll be using a G hook for the remainder of the patterns since I like the dolls to be a bit larger.

(back view of finished doll)

Changes I made to the pattern:

I used a magic ring instead of the “ch 2, 6 sc in second chain from the hook.”  I can never get that little hole in the middle to close up all the way unless I use the magic ring!  Okay, so that’s just me but that’s how I do it.  Either way will work, it’s just a matter of preference.

Another change I made was in working the sleeves on the robe.  Instead of crocheting the piece, sewing the seam and then sewing the sleeve onto the body of the robe I worked the sleeve right on the armhole.  I know - I’m lazy! I figure this saved me 2 whole steps!! It is not necessary but it saves time and energy.    I basically just reversed the pattern. I started in the center of the underarm of the body.
I joined in the center space with a sc, sc in the same space as joining, sc in the next sp, pull up a loop in the 3rd space and in the side of row 2 (this prevents holes), yo and pull through 3 loops on hook, sc in next 4 sc, draw up a loop in the side of row 2 and the next space under the arm, yo and pull through all 3 loops on hook, sc in next sp, join in first sc. (10 sc)
Rnd 2: ch 1,sc in first sc, sc in each sc around. Join in first sc.
Rnd 3: ch 1, work 2 sc in same st as joining, sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in last sc   (12 sc)
Rnd 4: ch 1, sc in each sc around. Join in first sc, finish off.
Repeat for other sleeve.

I made one ear following the pattern and then I reversed the instructions to make the second ear.  I did not do this on the first Yoda and it looked like one ear was upside down! 

The last change I made was the belt.  Because I ended up with a larger Yoda then the pattern is written for I had to add to the 30 stitches in the pattern, 45 sts worked well for me.

Coming soon…Storm Troopers

May the force be with you!